We are delighted to host a series of webinars sharing expert insights and best practice on improving energy efficiency and sustainability in non-domestic buildings as well as highlighting some of the most innovative products and solutions to support decarbonisation. To stay updated with our forthcoming webinars follow our Eventbrite channel.

You access the recordings of our previous webinars below:


Driving Sustainability: The Role of Innovation in Estates Decarbonisation.

28th January 2025

Following our last successful webinar which explored the key energy & decarbonisation challenges faced by estates-based organisations, this session will delve deeper into the role and importance of new and innovative technologies and solutions in the drive towards becoming carbon neutral.


Estates Decarbonisation: Challenges, Strategies & Innovative Solutions

24th September 2024

In this webinar we will take a deep dive into the unique challenges faced by stakeholders, showcase some innovative solutions available, and cover some of the funding programmes available.



Funding Innovation: Navigating Opportunities for Business

5th June 2024

In this webinar you can learn more about 3 current funding opportunities available to you and your business. We are joined by our Agency Team as well as Innovate UK Business Growth.



Investing in Sustainability: Leveraging the Industrial Energy Transformation Fund (IETF)

5th March 2024

In this webinar we bring together industrial organisations and solution providers to hear from DESNZ & Innovate UK KTN on the Industrial Energy Transformation Fund, and the support available to Greater Manchester businesses.




Cut Carbon, Save Costs: An SME's guide to Sustainability and Net Zero

6th December 2023

In this webinar we raise awareness of some of the low-cost, easy to install/implement technologies that can be made to your buildings, that could help the business reduce costs whilst performing more efficiently. We are joined by measurable.energy (Smart Plug Sockets) and DiscreteHeat (ThermaSkirt Heating) who spoke about how their technologies can benefit your buildings. You'll also hear from our Director about available funding through our Energy Accelerator project.


Smart Energy Innovations: Improve the Energy Efficiency of your Commercial Buildings.

11th October 2023

In this webinar we explore the key energy challenges faced by commercial property management companies, building owners, and landlords, and look at some of the latest solutions and technologies available to help improve your building's energy efficiency. We are joined by Loxone (building management systems) and BRS Heatpumps (air source heat pumps) who talk about how their technologies can help improve the energy management, control and efficiency in your buildings.